Best Brands College 2025
To underline the informative aspect of Best Brands, prior to the evening’s award ceremony there was also a congress during the day: at the Best Brands College from 10:00 am on 26 February 2025, high-profile speakers came together to discuss the overarching topic: ‘On the same page as Gen Z: How brands and employers can attract this generation’s talents’.
Hardly any other generation brings as much potential to the table as Gen Z. At our Best Brands College during the day our attendees learned about valuable insights from renowned speakers, relevant case studies and strategies that show how companies can authentically reach this generation and get them on board as employees. Top-class speakers provided exciting inspiration and practical know-how at our Munich House of Communication.
Host: Daniel Boschmann
Highlights of the Best Brands College 2025
with Newsfluencer
Fabian Grischkat
Nura & Sehriban Cirik
Closing highlight